McIntosh County Visitor Center

For this collaborative project, we remodeled the McIntosh County Visitor Center located in Darien, Georgia. We were able to visit the site and meet and work with the original architect of the building along with the owner of the visitor center. I worked evenly with Sydney Brown as my partner as well as some graphic design students who designed the main logo for the space. Our objective for the project was as follows:

Design a visitor center for McIntosh County/Darien, GA that well suits the community in bringing tourism to the area as well as fitting the needs of the residents. By collaborating with Graphic Designers and Felder Associates, we designed a newly branded McIntosh County Visitor Center.

 All renderings were done by using Revit and Enscape.

Link to the full presentation: final presentation studio IV.pdf


Clearfield Jewish Cultural Center


Holy Matcha Design